The Magic of Ireland’s Native Bees

Let’s imagine that tomorrow we conduct a survey across Ireland - and in that survey we ask all the people from all of the counties: please can you name all the types of bee that you can think of?

Imagine the likely results of this survey.

We might speculate (confidently) that the great majority of people would probably only be able to name just two types of bee.

These would be “Honey Bee” and “Bumble Bee”. A grand total of two types of bee.

And yet in Ireland we have around 100 species of wild bee.

100 species of bee in Ireland alone!

This proposed survey would therefore likely tell us that the people have a rough idea of only two kinds of bee?

That means the people of Ireland would have a vague awareness of roughly 2% of the full range of the bees of Ireland!

This thought exercise helps us to realise that we have a truly marvellous opportunity:

Our opportunity is that people in Ireland have a chance to discover the world of bees anew - because there are so many more amazing bees in Ireland (and indeed the world) - besides the Honey and the Bumble!

Even the fact that there are various types of Honey Bee is a fun fact about which most people are unaware.

How many people are even aware that there is such a thing as the Native Irish Honey Bee?

Honey bees enjoying delicious dandelions in Co. Donegal

Thinking about it, the sheer existence of a Native Irish Honey Bee is itself a miracle. I mean, how lucky are we that we have native bee - rather than, for example, a native species of mole?

Referred to also as Irish Black Bees due to their dark colouring - with the scientific name Apis mellifera mellifera (AMM) - these ancient native Irish bees are adapted and evolved to fit the particular conditions of our island.

Thinking back to our hypothetical survey - now in relation to the Native Irish Honey Bee - what percentage of people in Ireland are well acquainted, or even acquainted at all - with this particular natural treasure?

The great work done by the wonderful people behind All Ireland Pollinator Plan (and other organisations and individuals pulling in this same pro-pollinator direction both in Ireland and internationally) has created a great momentum for Ireland to rekindle a connection with pollinators. aims to contribute toward the success of this movement. Let’s celebrate and explore the natural wealth of the island - and make it as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

This blog post is essentially a little statement to affirm that is going to put pollinators at the heart of our mission to make Ireland the wildest, healthiest island on the planet.

Amongst pollinators, of course the bees and the butterflies are the superstars of this category of creatures. There is a universality to the appeal of pollinators (here again we will focus mostly on bees to start with) because they represent such a positive element of the ecosystem. And as humans there are so many things about bees that we can appreciate in a tangible and multi-sensory way.

The journey we hope to share with you at is one that focuses on how individuals and communities can rekindle their connection with nature - and as we set out on this journey, it is certain that bees as an absolutely integral part to play.

And when it comes to charismatic pollinators in Ireland…our Native Irish Honey Bee is the superstar of all superstars.

If Ireland was home to a Native Irish Mole it might not be as effective as an iconic and inspiring champion for as the Native Irish Honey Bee….so we are thankful for this quirk of fate…but then of course we must play with the cards that we are dealt!

“Thinking about it, the sheer existence of a Native Irish Honey Bee is itself a miracle… how lucky are we that we have native bee - rather than, for example, a native species of mole?


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